From What Did The First Chiropractic Patient Suffer? ... Not Back Pain!!

 Chiropractic is the healing art and science of correcting not just the anatomy, although that is an important part of chiropractic, but reestablishing proper communication through the nervous system. A chiropractor is concerned with function of the nervous system as it relates to every muscle organ and tissue within the body. As we all know, the brain controls and coordinates every function in the body. Therefore, if there is a problem with the nerves coming out of or going to the brain, there will be obvious dysfunction.

The first chiropractic patient did not complain of back pain or neck pain or any pain at all. He suffered with partial deafness. The story goes that there was a custodian by the name of Harvey Lillard who was cleaning up the school one evening when a teacher there by the name of DD Palmer inquired to Lillard about his deafness. DD Palmer was an avid student of the healing sciences and was willing to experiment with what he knew. He notice that there was a vertebra that seem to be out of it’s proper position. DD attempted to reposition the vertebra using his hands and shortly thereafter Lillard’s hearing was restored.

DD thought that he found the cure for deafness. As more partially or fully deaf patients started to seek treatment, he realize that he had not found the cure deafness but he did notice that many of the patients started getting better from other conditions. It was during this time that the idea of a vertebra being out of proper alignment may cause stress to the nervous system, decreasing function in the body. Thus the birth of chiropractic.

What Is Chiropractic Today?

Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct misalignments of the vertebra and restore proper function to the nervous system, helping your body to heal naturally. Chiropractic doesn’t use drugs or surgery. Rather, a chiropractic spinal adjustment corrects the misalignment, permitting normal nerve transmission and assisting your body to recuperate on its own.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is a specialty within chiropractic that has a main focus on the vital brainstem area where the head and spinal column meet. This specific area of the human body houses trillions of neuronal pathways and the centers for respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure as well as numerous cranial nerve nuclei. This area also happens to be the most unstable in the spine because it is void of interlocking facet joints that limit rotation of the spinal column. With this area being so complex and mobile, it is vitally important in human function.

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